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Te Ara Ihutai Christchurch Coastal Pathway



"Walk the pathway around Redcliffs to hear about the archeological significance of this area.

Please note: Archaelogical sites are protected under the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act, and it is illegal to modify or damage any archaeological site that pre-dates 1900 without an archaeological authority."

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Te Ara Ihutai Christchurch Coastal pathway is a 6.5km shared-use path that connects the communities between Ferrymead Bridge and Sumner along the Estuary.

Local residents have dreamed of building a pathway along the estuary for 50 years, but planning began in earnest after the 2011 earthquake damaged sections of the road linking Ferrymead to Sumner. Construction of the first section started in 2012.

Next Stop

Continue along the costal pathway until you reach Shag Rock.

Location and Places Nearby
