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Health Wellness And Disability Support

Looking For Wellbeing Resources?

Keep your wellbeing in check and your top priority with these support services catering to individual needs.


Workbridge - Provides a range of free employment support services for both job seekers and employers, individually tailored to suit every individual’s needs.

Catapult - Employment Support and guidance for those who live with a disability or health issue. 

Creativeworks - Emerge Aotearoa provides employment support services for people with mental illness or disabilities to help them transition back into the workplace. Known as Creativeworks in Christchurch.

Active Canterbury - Provides information, links and tools to help people take the first step towards a more active lifestyle.

Appetite for Life - A free six-week course with a fun approach towards weight management and achieving a healthy lifestyle. 

Healthify - An online guide to health information. 

Healthline - Provides free 24/7 healthcare advice. They can also tell you where the nearest GP or pharmacy is located. Call 0800 611 116

IDEA Services - Supports people with intellectual disabilities to enjoy great lives as part of their communities by developing customised plans based on individual needs.
