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Riverland Foods

Christchurch Accelerating Business Investment Opportunities

Richard Zhu wanted a location for his large-scale pet food business that met three key criteria: a skilled labour force, access to fresh produce, and an innovative business ecosystem. Ōtautahi Christchurch checked all the boxes.

Riverland Foods was founded by Richard in 2021 to deliver high-quality pet foods to New Zealand and globally. The company is making a name for itself in the growing pet food industry, and its location in Christchurch is proving a big part of that success.

“So much of New Zealand’s red meat production, and a lot of seafood is South Island based,” says Richard. “Although many of the pet food brands we work with are North Island based, we wanted to de-risk the business and be closer to source.”

A pet food cannery closer to the source of protein makes sense logistically and environmentally – and ensures a fresher product. “We can bring in fresh meats and process them, which has the advantage of preserving more of the nutrient value.”

Riverland has gone from conception to market in super quick time. Factory construction began in June 2023, and Riverland was open for business in February this year.

Riverland General Manger Michael Dance says the need to move quickly in a fast-changing industry was another key reason for choosing Christchurch. Riverland’s focus on research and development, and attracting skilled workers made Christchurch the obvious choice. “Canterbury and Lincoln are hot universities right now, and when those students graduate, we've got a great pool of talent to choose from that’s familiar with the city and likes the lifestyle.”

For Richard, who studied at Canterbury University as an international student, Christchurch’s growing reputation as a hub for business and innovation was another reason for basing Riverland here.

The city's vibrant atmosphere and emphasis on innovation provided the perfect environment for me to cultivate the skills and knowledge necessary to establish our factory, and a great reason to base Riverland here."

Richard Zhu - Founder, Riverland Foods

“The city's vibrant atmosphere and emphasis on innovation provided the perfect environment for me to cultivate the skills and knowledge necessary to establish our factory, and a great reason to base Riverland here.”

As New Zealand’s second largest city, Christchurch is also well placed to access overseas markets, including the huge Chinese and American markets. Michael says it shows you can be based in Christchurch and have global reach.

Companies now have another option outside Auckland, and the connection to Christchurch is so easy. The scale of Christchurch, a vibrant new city with modern facilities, and the number of nearby attractions is making it an attractive option.”

Michael Dance - General Manager, Riverland Foods

“Companies now have another option outside Auckland, and the connection to Christchurch is so easy. The scale of Christchurch, a vibrant new city with modern facilities, and the number of nearby attractions is making it an attractive option.”

As for the future, Michael says Riverland is making hay while the sun shines in Canterbury, working with local suppliers to create even more premium products.

“We're talking to people who are farming things like hemp seed and quinoa – quite premium ingredients – the Canterbury Plains delivers for us in that regard.”

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